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Text File | 1999-09-21 | 86.5 KB | 5,765 lines |
- ; This control file provides the information necessary to handle the
- ; artwork in Tiberian Sun. The information usually covers sprite
- ; animation and related characteristics. There is one section
- ; for each sprite data file. The sprite section names are unique
- ; within the system and are referred to by name in the RULES.INI
- ; control file.
- ; *** Game Object Art ***
- ; Cameo = image to use if this object happens to appear in the sidebar (def=none)
- ; Voxel = Is this a voxel image (def=no)?
- ; Remapable = Can this object be remapped to owner's color (def=no)?
- ; Normalized = If its animation be regulated to appear constant speed (def=no)?
- ; Theater = Does it have theater specific imagery (def=no)?
- ; NewTheater = Does it have theater specific name (def=no)? This changes the second character of the name dependant on theater.
- ; RotCount = number of rotation stages [old system only] (def=32)?
- ; ShadowIndex = index of voxel piece to use for the shadow (def=0) [only needed for voxel hierarchies]
- ; TurretOffset = turret center offset along body centerline (def=0)
- ; FireAngle = default angle to raise barrel above direct line to targe [in degrees] (def=10)
- ; BarrelLength = length of barrel expressed in 1.5 inch increments (def = 0 i.e., no independant barrel equipped)
- ; BarrelOffset = barrel pivot point [distance from center-base along X (horz) axis and Y (vert) axis]
- ; PrimaryFireFLH = lepton offset [Forward,Lateral,Height from turret center] for bullet start position (def=0,0,0)
- ; SecondaryFireFLH = alternate weapon offset for bullet start position (def=0,0,0)
- ; <<< applies only to artwork used for infantry >>>
- ; Sequence = infantry animation sequence name [required]
- ; Crawls = Does the infantry have crawling animation [else it is running] (def=yes)?
- ; FireUp = frame of projectile launch when firing standing [required if it has firing animation] (def=0)
- ; <<< applies only to vehicles >>>
- ; VisibleLoad = Does the unit have duplicate shape set for loaded with ammo state (def=no)?
- ; UseTurretShadow = use the turret of the object to cast shadow (def=no)?
- ; <<< applies only to building types >>>
- ; Foundation = the size of the building [width x height] (def=1x1)
- ; Height = height of the building [in levels]
- ; PrimaryFirePixelOffset = Pixel offset to apply to building when firing a bullet. Used when the building has no turret and so the offset is fixed.
- ; SecondaryFirePixelOffset = Pixel offset to apply to building when firing a bullet. Used when the building has no turret and so the offset is fixed.
- ; SimpleDamage = Does building have simple damage imagery (def=yes)?
- ; Buildup = graphic image to use when construction occurs (def=none)
- ; AuxAnim = Anim to use for overlaying animation states.
- ; AltImage = Is there an alternate image [frame #2] to use when viewed by enemy player (def=no)?
- ; ChargeAnim = Does this building have Tesla-coil like charge up anim (def=no)?
- ; SiloDamage = Is damage image based on base Tiberium storage level (def=no)?
- ; Flat = Is building flat on the ground [helps with drawing logic to know this] (def=no)?
- ; Recoilless = Does the building NOT have recoil anim even though it might have a turret (def=no)?
- ; ToOverlay = when placed down, actually convert into this overlay type (def=none)
- ; DamageLevels = how many levels of damage it can take [for walls only]
- ; PowerUp1Anim = The animation to add to this building when powered up by one level
- ; PowerUp1AnimDamaged = Damaged version of The animation to add to this building when powered up by one level
- ; PowerUp1LocX = The x offset from the buildings draw position for this powerup animation
- ; PowerUp1LocY = The x offset from the buildings draw position for this powerup animation
- ; PowerUp1LocZ = Adjustment to normal Z when rendering this animation. This could be used to make the animation appear behind the building.
- ; PowerUp1YSort= Amount to add to anims sorting position so that it renders in the correct order relative to other objects
- ; PowerUp2Anim = The animation to add to this building (in addition to the level 1 power up) when powered up by two levels
- ; PowerUp2AnimDamaged = Damaged version of The animation to add to this building when powered up by two level
- ; PowerUp2LocX = The x offset from the buildings draw position for this powerup animation
- ; PowerUp2LocY = The x offset from the buildings draw position for this powerup animation
- ; PowerUp2LocZ = Adjustment to normal Z when rendering this animation. This could be used to make the animation appear behind the building.
- ; PowerUp2YSort= Amount to add to anims sorting position so that it renders in the correct order relative to other objects
- ; PowerUp3Anim = The animation to add to this building (in addition to the level 1&2 power ups) when powered up by three levels
- ; PowerUp3AnimDamaged = Damaged version of The animation to add to this building when powered up by three level
- ; PowerUp3LocX = The x offset from the buildings draw position for this powerup animation
- ; PowerUp3LocY = The x offset from the buildings draw position for this powerup animation
- ; PowerUp3LocZ = Adjustment to normal Z when rendering this animation. This could be used to make the animation appear behind the building.
- ; PowerUp3YSort= Amount to add to anims sorting position so that it renders in the correct order relative to other objects
- ; ActiveAnim = Animation to use for building active animation
- ; ActiveAnimDamaged = Animation to use for building active animation when damaged
- ; ActiveAnimX = X offset from building position for active animation
- ; ActiveAnimY = Y offset from building position for active animation
- ; ActiveAnimYSort = Adjustment to position to use when sorting the layer prior to rendering.
- ; ActiveAnimZAdjust = Adjustment to normal Z when rendering this animation over the building.
- ; ActiveAnimPowered = Does the animation require that the building has power (def=yes)
- ; ActiveAnimTwo = Animation to use for building active animation
- ; ActiveAnimTwoDamaged = Animation to use for building active animation when damaged
- ; ActiveAnimTwoX = X offset from building position for active animation
- ; ActiveAnimTwoY = Y offset from building position for active animation
- ; ActiveAnimTwoYSort = Adjustment to position to use when sorting the layer prior to rendering.
- ; ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust = Adjustment to normal Z when rendering this animation over the building.
- ; ActiveAnimTwoPowered = Does the animation require that the building has power (def=yes)
- ; ActiveAnimThree = Animation to use for building active animation
- ; ActiveAnimThreeDamaged = Animation to use for building active animation when damaged
- ; ActiveAnimThreeX = X offset from building position for active animation
- ; ActiveAnimThreeY = Y offset from building position for active animation
- ; ActiveAnimThreeYSort = Adjustment to position to use when sorting the layer prior to rendering.
- ; ActiveAnimThreeZAdjust = Adjustment to normal Z when rendering this animation over the building.
- ; ActiveAnimThreePowered = Does the animation require that the building has power (def=yes)
- ; TerrainPalette = Draw this in the terrain palette not the building palette. (def=no)
- ; <<< applies on to vessels >>>
- ; Rotates = Does the vessel rotate [old system only] (def=yes)?
- ; <<< applies only to aircraft >>>
- ; Rotors = Does this aicraft have an attached rotor animation (def=no)?
- ; CustomRotor = Does it have custom rotor shapes according to facing (def=no)?
- Sequence=JumpjetSequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- PrimaryFireFLH=100,0,120
- [CYC2]
- Sequence=CyborgSequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- PrimaryFireFLH=100,-50,130
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- [E1]
- Cameo=E1ICON
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- PrimaryFireFLH=80,0,85
- [E2]
- Cameo=E2ICON
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=6
- PrimaryFireFLH=60,0,100
- [E3]
- Cameo=E4ICON
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- PrimaryFireFLH=100,-25,135
- [FLAM]
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- PrimaryFireFLH=100,-25,135
- [CHEM]
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- PrimaryFireFLH=100,-25,135
- Sequence=WeedSequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- Sequence=MedicSequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,0,100
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- PrimaryFireFLH=100,0,100
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- [SLAV]
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- PrimaryFireFLH=70,-30,120
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- PrimaryFireFLH=80,-30,85
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- PrimaryFireFLH=100,0,100
- Sequence=DoggieSequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,0,100
- [MWMN]
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Cameo=E4ICON
- PrimaryFireFLH=80,-30,85
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=yes
- Remapable=yes
- FireUp=2
- [CIV1]
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=no
- FireUp=2
- [CIV2]
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=no
- FireUp=2
- [CIV3]
- Sequence=E1Sequence
- Crawls=no
- FireUp=2
- ; Vehicle artwork follows
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=40,32,96
- SecondaryFireFLH=-32,80,120
- PBarrelLength=192
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=40,32,96
- SecondaryFireFLH=-32,80,120
- PBarrelLength=192
- [TRUK]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=40,32,96
- SecondaryFireFLH=-32,80,120
- PBarrelLength=192
- [4TNK]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=40,32,96
- SecondaryFireFLH=-32,80,120
- PBarrelLength=192
- [ART2]
- Remapable=yes
- TurretOffset=-56
- PBarrelLength=224
- Voxel=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,0,64
- [WEED]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- [HARV]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- [HORV]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=110,0,105
- [LPST]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- [ICBM]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- [MCV]
- Remapable=yes
- Voxel=yes
- [HVR]
- Voxel=yes
- TurretOffset=-64
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=64,32,128
- [APC]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,48,48
- [FTNK]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=175,30,0
- [ARTY]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=175,30,0
- [MMCH]
- ;Image=MMECH
- Voxel=no
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=20,-50,100
- ;UseTurretShadow=yes
- PBarrelLength=250
- SBarrelLength=250
- TurretOffset=-16
- WalkFrames=15
- [HMEC]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=80,100,158
- SecondaryFireFLH=-60,100,158
- UseTurretShadow=yes
- ShadowIndex=12
- Voxel=no
- Remapable=yes
- WalkFrames=8
- [MRJ]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=40,32,96
- SecondaryFireFLH=-32,80,120
- PBarrelLength=192
- [2TNK]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=40,32,96
- SecondaryFireFLH=-32,80,120
- PBarrelLength=192
- [3TNK]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=40,32,96
- SecondaryFireFLH=-32,80,120
- PBarrelLength=192
- [1TNK]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=25,0,50
- PBarrelLength=100
- Voxel=no
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,48,48
- WalkFrames=12
- FiringFrames=4
- [TTNK]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,0,100
- PBarrelLength=136
- TurretOffset=64
- [MLRS]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,0,100
- PBarrelLength=136
- [BIKE]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,48,48
- [BGGY]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,0,100
- [SAPC]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,0,48
- [STNK]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=40,0,104
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=128,0,40
- TurretOffset=-64
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,0,150
- [BUS]
- Voxel=yes
- Voxel=yes
- Voxel=yes
- Voxel=yes
- [PICK]
- Voxel=yes
- [CAR]
- Voxel=yes
- [WINI]
- Voxel=yes
- ; Aircraft artwork follows
- Voxel=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,32,0
- [ORCA]
- Voxel=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,32,0
- Voxel=yes
- Voxel=yes
- Voxel=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,32,0
- Voxel=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,32,0
- [DPOD]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,0,0
- [DSHP]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,0,0
- ; Building artwork follows
- Remapable=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Height=2
- Foundation=3x2
- Buildup=GATECHMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GATECH_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- ActiveAnimDamaged=GATECH_AD
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=4x3
- Height=2
- NormalZAdjust=-10
- AnimActive=0,1,0
- Buildup=GAWEAPMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- DeployingAnim=GAWEAP_2
- DoorAnim=GAWEAP_D
- DoorStages=9
- UnderDoorAnim=GAWEAP_1
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GAWEAP_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-119
- ActiveAnimTwo=GAWEAP_B
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-119
- ActiveAnimThree=GAWEAP_C
- ActiveAnimThreeZAdjust=-119
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=4x3
- Height=2
- AnimActive=0,1,0
- Buildup=NAWEAPMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- DeployingAnim=NAWEAP_2
- DoorAnim=NAWEAP_B
- DoorStages=10
- DamagedDoor=yes
- UnderDoorAnim=NAWEAP_1
- NewTheater=yes
- ProductionAnim=NAWEAP_A
- ProductionAnimX=0
- ProductionAnimY=0
- ProductionAnimYSort=0
- ProductionAnimZAdjust=-119
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=3x3
- Height=1.5
- AnimActive=0,26,3
- Buildup=GACNSTMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GACNST_A
- ActiveAnimDamaged=GACNST_AD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-77
- ActiveAnimTwo=GACNST_C
- ActiveAnimTwoDamaged=GACNST_CD
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-77
- ActiveAnimThree=GACNST_B
- ActiveAnimThreeZAdjust=-27
- PreProductionAnim=GACNST_B
- PreProductionAnimZAdjust=-15
- ProductionAnim=GACNST_D
- ProductionAnimZAdjust=-25
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=4x3
- Height=2
- ZShapePointMove= 24, -12
- Buildup=NAREFNMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=NAREFN_C
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- ActiveAnimTwo=NAREFN_B
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-250
- ActiveAnimTwoPowered=no
- PreProductionAnim=NAREFN_A
- ProductionAnim=NAREFN_AR
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- Buildup=GASILOMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- SiloDamage=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GASILO_B
- ActiveAnimDamaged=GASILO_BD
- SpecialAnim=GASILO_A
- SpecialAnimDamaged=GASILO_AD
- SpecialAnimZAdjust=-32
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=1
- Flat=yes
- Buildup=GAHPADMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GAHPAD_A
- ActiveAnimY=-12
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-32
- ActiveAnimDamaged=GAHPAD_AD
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=1.5
- Flat=yes
- Buildup=NAHPADMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=NAHPAD_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-32
- ActiveAnimDamaged=NAHPAD_AD
- Remapable=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Height=3
- Foundation=2x2
- Buildup=NARADRMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- ;NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=NARADR_A
- ActiveAnimDamaged=NARADR_AD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-60
- ActiveAnimYSort=100
- Remapable=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Foundation=2x3
- Height=2
- Buildup=GAPLUGMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GAPLUG_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-60
- ActiveAnimPowered=yes
- ActiveAnimTwo=GAPLUG_B
- ActiveAnimTwoDamaged=GAPLUG_BD
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-100
- ActiveAnimTwoPowered=no
- ActiveAnimTwoPoweredLight=yes
- ActiveAnimThree=GAPLUG_C
- ActiveAnimThreeZAdjust=-60
- ActiveAnimThreePowered=no
- ActiveAnimThreePoweredLight=yes
- PowerUp1LocXX=0
- PowerUp1LocYY=0
- PowerUp1LocZZ=-30
- PowerUp1YSort=-5
- PowerUp2LocXX=-24
- PowerUp2LocYY=-12
- PowerUp2LocZZ=-42
- PowerUp2YSort=50
- Remapable=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=3
- Buildup=GARADRMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GARADR_A
- ActiveAnimDamaged=GARADR_AD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-60
- ActiveAnimPowered=yes
- Remapable=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Foundation=3x2
- Buildup=NASTLHMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=NASTLH_A
- ActiveAnimDamaged=NASTLH_AD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-40
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- Buildup=GAPOWRMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- Height=2
- PowerUp1Anim=GAPOWR_B
- PowerUp1LocXX=-24
- PowerUp1LocYY=13
- PowerUp1LocZZ=-17
- PowerUp1YSort=-5
- ;PowerUp2Anim=GAPOWR_B
- ;PowerUp2LocXX=0
- ;PowerUp2LocYY=0
- ;PowerUp2LocZZ=-32
- ;PowerUp2YSort=-5
- PowerUp2Anim=GAPOWR_B
- PowerUp2LocXX=-48
- PowerUp2LocYY=0
- PowerUp2LocZZ=-32
- PowerUp2YSort=-5
- ActiveAnim=GAPOWR_A
- ActiveAnimDamaged=GAPOWR_AD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- ActiveAnimTwo=GAPOWR_B
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-32
- ActiveAnimTwoYSort=-5
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=2
- Buildup=NAPOWRMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=NAPOWR_A
- ActiveAnimDamaged=NAPOWR_AD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=2x3
- Height=2
- Buildup=NAAPWRMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=NAAPWR_A
- ActiveAnimDamaged=NAAPWR_AD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=no
- Foundation=3x4
- Height=2
- Buildup=CAHOSP
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=CAHOSP_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRAN]
- Voxel=yes
- Rotors=Yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,32,0
- [HIND]
- Voxel=yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,32,0
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=no
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=1
- Image=CAARMR_A
- Buildup=CAARMR
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=CAARMR_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- ActiveAnimPowered=no
- DemandLoad=true
- [CAPYR01]
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=no
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=2
- NewTheater=yes
- TerrainPalette=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=no
- DemandLoad=true
- [HELI]
- Voxel=yes
- Rotors=Yes
- Remapable=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,32,0
- [CAPYR02]
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=no
- Foundation=4x4
- Height=4
- NewTheater=yes
- TerrainPalette=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=no
- DemandLoad=true
- [CAPYR03]
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=no
- Foundation=4x4
- Height=4
- NewTheater=yes
- TerrainPalette=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=no
- DemandLoad=true
- [CACRSH01]
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=no
- Foundation=1x1
- Height=1
- NewTheater=yes
- TerrainPalette=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=no
- DemandLoad=true
- [CACRSH02]
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=no
- Foundation=1x1
- Height=1
- NewTheater=yes
- TerrainPalette=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=no
- DemandLoad=true
- [CACRSH03]
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=no
- Foundation=1x1
- Height=1
- NewTheater=yes
- TerrainPalette=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=no
- DemandLoad=true
- [CACRSH04]
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=no
- Foundation=1x1
- Height=1
- NewTheater=yes
- TerrainPalette=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=no
- DemandLoad=true
- [CACRSH05]
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=no
- Foundation=1x1
- Height=1
- NewTheater=yes
- TerrainPalette=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=no
- DemandLoad=true
- Cameo=
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=no
- Foundation=2x2
- Buildup=
- Height=3
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=CAARAY_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- ActiveAnimTwo=CAARAY_B
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-100
- ActiveAnimThree=CAARAY_C
- ActiveAnimThreeDamaged=CAARAY_CD
- ActiveAnimThreeZAdjust=-100
- ActiveAnimFour=CAARAY_D
- ActiveAnimFourDamaged=CAARAY_DD
- ActiveAnimFourZAdjust=-100
- DemandLoad=true
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- Buildup=GASPOTMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- Height=3
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GASPOT_A
- ActiveAnimDamaged=GASPOT_AD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- Buildup=GADPSAMK
- Height=2
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GADPSA_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- ExtraLight=-100
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- Buildup=GAICBMMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- Height=2
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GAICBM_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- ExtraLight=-100
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- Buildup=GATICKMK
- Height=1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraLight=-100
- PrimaryFireFLH=48,0,64
- PBarrelLength=136
- Normalized=yes
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- Buildup=GAARTYMK
- Height=1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraLight=350
- PBarrelLength=224
- PrimaryFireFLH=-0,0,64
- TurretNotExportedOnGround=yes
- Remapable=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- Buildup=NATECHMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=NATECH_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- Remapable=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Foundation=3x2
- Buildup=NAHANDMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=NAHAND_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- ActiveAnimTwo=NAHAND_B
- ActiveAnimTwoDamaged=NAHAND_BD
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-50
- Remapable=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- Buildup=GAPILEMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GAPILE_C
- ActiveAnimDamaged=GAPILE_CD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-39
- ActiveAnimPowered=no
- ActiveAnimTwo=GAPILE_A
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-39
- ActiveAnimThree=GAPILE_B
- ActiveAnimThreeZAdjust=-39
- Remapable=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Foundation=3x3
- AnimActive=0,7,2
- Flat=yes
- Buildup=GADEPTMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GADEPT_A
- ActiveAnimDamaged=GADEPT_AD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- ActiveAnimTwo=GADEPT_B
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-100
- SpecialAnim=GADEPT_C1
- SpecialAnimZAdjust=-100
- SpecialAnimTwo=GADEPT_C2
- SpecialAnimTwoZAdjust=-100
- SpecialAnimThree=GADEPT_C3
- SpecialAnimThreeZAdjust=-100
- ProductionAnim=GADEPT_D
- ProductionAnimDamaged=GADEPT_DD
- ProductionAnimZAdjust=-100
- Foundation=4x4
- ;IsNewTheater=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- Foundation=1x1
- ToOverlay=GASAND
- DamageLevels=2
- NewTheater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ToOverlay=GAWALL
- DamageLevels=3
- NewTheater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ToOverlay=NAWALL
- DamageLevels=3
- NewTheater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- Foundation=2x5
- NewTheater=yes
- ;ActiveAnim=CTDAM_A WST 7/16/99 commented out to minimize bad palette problem
- ;ActiveAnimY=-1
- ;ActiveAnimDamaged=CTDAM_AD
- ;ActiveAnimTwo=CTDAM_B
- ;ActiveAnimTwoDamaged=CTDAM_BD
- TerrainPalette=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- DemandLoad=true
- [UFO]
- Foundation=6x4
- TerrainPalette=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- DemandLoad=true
- Theater=yes
- Height=6
- [AMMO01]
- Foundation=1x1
- TerrainPalette=no
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- DemandLoad=false
- Theater=no
- Height=1
- Remapable=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,0,80
- TurretNotExportedOnGround=yes
- PBarrelLength=110
- Buildup=NAPULSMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- Image=GACTWR
- Remapable=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- Buildup=GACTWRMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GACTWR_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-39
- Image=GAGATE_A
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=3x1
- Buildup=GAGATE_A
- SpecialZOverlay=GAGATEZA
- GateStages=9
- NewTheater=yes
- Image=GAGATE_B
- Remapable=yes
- Cameo=GAT2ICON
- Foundation=1x3
- Buildup=GAGATE_B
- SpecialZOverlay=GAGATEZB
- GateStages=9
- NewTheater=yes
- Image=NAGATE_A
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=3x1
- Buildup=NAGATE_A
- SpecialZOverlay=NAGATEZA
- GateStages=6
- NewTheater=yes
- Image=NAGATE_B
- Remapable=yes
- Cameo=NGA2ICON
- Foundation=1x3
- Buildup=NAGATE_B
- SpecialZOverlay=NAGATEZB
- GateStages=6
- NewTheater=yes
- Image=GALITE
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- Buildup=blahblah
- TerrainPalette=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- ;DemandLoad=yes
- ;Theater=yes
- Image=NATMPL
- Height=2.5
- Foundation=4x3
- Buildup=NATMPLMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=NATMPL_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-127
- Image=NTPYRA
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=4x4
- NewTheater=yes
- Height=3
- ActiveAnim=NTPYRA_A
- ActiveAnimDamaged=NTPYRA_AD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-127
- DemandLoad=true
- Image=GAKODK
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=4x2
- NewTheater=yes
- Height=1
- ActiveAnim=GAKODK_A
- ActiveAnimDamaged=GAKODK_AD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-127
- ActiveAnimTwo=GAKODK_B
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-127
- ActiveAnimThree=GAKODK_C
- ActiveAnimThreeDamaged=GAKODK_CD
- ActiveAnimThreeZAdjust=-127
- DemandLoad=true
- Image=NAMNTK
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x3
- NewTheater=yes
- Height=1.5
- ActiveAnim=NAMNTK_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-127
- DemandLoad=true
- Image=GAFSDF_A
- ;Remapable=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=4
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=250
- Image=FSIDLE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=20
- Rate=800
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=false
- Report=FIRSTRM1
- YDrawOffset=-60
- Image=FSAIR
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=20
- Rate=800
- Report=FIRSTRM1
- Image=FSGRND
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=20
- Rate=800
- Report=FIRSTRM1
- YDrawOffset=-20
- Image=NAWAST
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=3x3
- Buildup=NAWASTMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=NAWAST_A
- ActiveAnimDamaged=NAWAST_AD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-127
- ActiveAnimTwo=NAWAST_B
- ActiveAnimTwoDamaged=NAWAST_BD
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-127
- Image=NAOBEL
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- ChargeAnim=yes
- Buildup=NAOBELMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- ;PrimaryFirePixelOffset=10,-51
- PrimaryFirePixelOffset=11,-26
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=NAOBEL_A
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- Image=NAMISL
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- Buildup=NAMISLMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=NAMISL_B
- ActiveAnimDamaged=NAMISL_BD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- Cameo=TWR1ICON
- Image=GACTWR_B
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- PrimaryFireFLH=162,30,90
- SecondaryFireFLH=162,-30,90
- NewTheater=yes
- Cameo=TWR1ICON
- Image=GACTWR_B
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- PrimaryFireFLH=162,30,90
- SecondaryFireFLH=162,-30,90
- NewTheater=yes
- Cameo=TWR2ICON
- Image=GACTWR_C
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- PrimaryFireFLH=152,50,192
- SecondaryFireFLH=152,-50,192
- NewTheater=yes
- ; SAM addon for component tower
- Image=GACTWR_D
- Remapable=yes
- Cameo=TWR3ICON
- Foundation=1x1
- MidPoint=66
- PrimaryFireFLH=152,50,192
- SecondaryFireFLH=152,-50,192
- NewTheater=yes
- ;Remapable=yes
- ;Normalized=yes
- ;Foundation=4X4
- ;Buildup=GADROPMK
- ;DemandLoadBuildup=true
- ;FreeBuildup=true
- ;NewTheater=yes
- ;ActiveAnim=GADROP_A
- ;ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- ;ActiveAnimTwo=GADROP_B
- ;ActiveAnimTwoDamaged=GADROP_BD
- ;ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-50
- ; SAM site turret
- Image=GACTWR_D
- ;Remapable=yes
- ;PrimaryFireFLH=90,50,100
- ;SecondaryFireFLH=90,-50,100
- ;NewTheater=yes
- Image=GAFIRE
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=3x2
- Buildup=GAFIREMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=GAFIRE_C
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- ActiveAnimTwo=GAFIRE_B
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-100
- Image=GAFSDF
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- NormalZAdjust=-10
- Image=NAPOST
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- Buildup=NAPOSTMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- ActiveAnim=NAPOST_A
- ;ActiveAnimDestroyed=NAPOST_AD
- ActiveAnimZAdjust=-100
- ActiveAnimTwo=NAPOST_B
- ActiveAnimTwoZAdjust=-100
- Image=NAFNCE
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- Image=NALASR
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- Buildup=NALASRMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- NewTheater=yes
- PrimaryFireFLH=0,0,168
- Recoilless=yes
- PBarrelLength=200
- PBarrelThickness=48
- Image=NASAM
- Remapable=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- Buildup=NASAMMK
- DemandLoadBuildup=true
- FreeBuildup=true
- PrimaryFireFLH=90,50,100
- SecondaryFireFLH=90,-50,100
- NewTheater=yes
- [ABAN01]
- Foundation=2x6
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- Height=3
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN02]
- Foundation=5x3
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- Height=2
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN03]
- Foundation=2x5
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- Height=2
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN04]
- Foundation=4x2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN05]
- Foundation=3x2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN06]
- Foundation=2x2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN07]
- Foundation=2x2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN08]
- Foundation=2x2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- NewTheater=yes
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN09]
- Foundation=2x2
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN10]
- NewTheater=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN11]
- NewTheater=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN12]
- NewTheater=yes
- Foundation=2x2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN13]
- NewTheater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN14]
- NewTheater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN15]
- NewTheater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN16]
- Foundation=2x2
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN17]
- NewTheater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [ABAN18]
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0001]
- Foundation=3x3
- Height=1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0002]
- Foundation=3x3
- Height=1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0003]
- Foundation=2x2
- NewTheater=yes
- Height=1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0004]
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0005]
- Foundation=1x2
- Height=1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0006]
- Foundation=1x2
- Height=1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0007]
- Foundation=1x2
- Height=1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0008]
- Foundation=2x3
- Height=1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0009]
- Foundation=2x3
- Height=1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0010]
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0011]
- Foundation=1x2
- Height=1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0012]
- Foundation=1x2
- Height=1.5
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0013]
- Foundation=2x1
- Height=2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0014]
- Foundation=1x1
- Height=2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0015]
- Foundation=1x1
- Height=1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0016]
- Foundation=1x1
- Height=2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0017]
- Foundation=1x1
- Height=2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0018]
- Foundation=1x2
- Height=2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0019]
- Foundation=1x2
- Height=2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0020]
- Foundation=1x2
- Height=2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CA0021]
- Foundation=1x2
- Height=2
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Ruined C&C con yard
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- NewTheater=yes
- Remapable=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Ruined C&C Temple of NOD
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=1.5
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- NewTheater=yes
- Remapable=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Ruined C&C Weapons factory.
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=1.5
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- NewTheater=yes
- Remapable=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Ruined C&C Refinery.
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=1.5
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- NewTheater=yes
- Remapable=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Ruined C&C Advanced Power.
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- NewTheater=yes
- Remapable=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Ruined C&C Silos (2)
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=1
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- NewTheater=yes
- Remapable=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY01]
- Foundation=4x2
- Height=3
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY02]
- Foundation=2x3
- Height=3
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY03]
- Foundation=3x2
- Height=2
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY04]
- Foundation=3x2
- Height=3
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY05]
- Foundation=3x2
- Height=4
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY06]
- Foundation=4x2
- Height=3
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY07]
- Foundation=4x2
- Height=2.5
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY08]
- Foundation=2x2
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY09]
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=2
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY10]
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=2
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY11]
- Foundation=2x2
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- Height=4
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY12]
- Foundation=2x2
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- Height=4
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY13]
- Foundation=2x2
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- Height=4
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY14]
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- Height=4
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY15]
- Foundation=4x2
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY16]
- Foundation=4x2
- Height=3
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY17]
- Foundation=4x3
- Height=4.5
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY18]
- Foundation=3x5
- Height=3
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY19]
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY20]
- Foundation=1x1
- Height=1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY21]
- Foundation=1x1
- Height=1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [CITY22]
- Foundation=2x2
- Height=3
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- Foundation=4x4
- Height=3
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD01]
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- TerrainPalette=true
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD02]
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD03]
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD04]
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD05]
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD06]
- Foundation=1x2
- NewTheater=yes
- TerrainPalette=true
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD07]
- Foundation=1x2
- NewTheater=yes
- TerrainPalette=true
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD08]
- Foundation=1x2
- NewTheater=yes
- TerrainPalette=true
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD09]
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD10]
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD11]
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD12]
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD13]
- Foundation=1x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD14]
- Foundation=2x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD15]
- Foundation=2x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [BBOARD16]
- Foundation=2x1
- NewTheater=yes
- ExtraDamageStage=false
- TerrainPalette=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [BOXES01]
- Foundation=1x1
- Theater=yes
- [BOXES02]
- Foundation=1x1
- Theater=yes
- [BOXES03]
- Foundation=1x1
- Theater=yes
- [BOXES04]
- Foundation=1x1
- Theater=yes
- [BOXES05]
- Foundation=1x1
- Theater=yes
- [BOXES06]
- Foundation=1x1
- Theater=yes
- [BOXES07]
- Foundation=1x1
- Theater=yes
- [BOXES08]
- Foundation=1x1
- Theater=yes
- [BOXES09]
- Foundation=1x1
- Theater=yes
- [ICE01]
- Foundation=2x2
- Theater=yes
- [ICE02]
- Foundation=1x2
- Theater=yes
- [ICE03]
- Foundation=2x1
- Theater=yes
- [ICE04]
- Foundation=1x1
- Theater=yes
- [ICE05]
- Foundation=1x1
- Theater=yes
- [TIBTRE01]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- [TIBTRE02]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- [TIBTRE03]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- [TREE01]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE02]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE03]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE04]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE05]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE06]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE07]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE08]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE09]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE10]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE11]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE12]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE13]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE14]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE15]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE16]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE17]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE18]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE19]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE20]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE21]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE22]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE23]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE24]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- [TREE25]
- Theater=yes
- Foundation=1x1
- ;DemandLoad=true
- ; Smudges listed here
- [CRATER01]
- Theater=yes
- [CRATER02]
- Theater=yes
- [CRATER03]
- Theater=yes
- [CRATER04]
- Theater=yes
- [CRATER05]
- Theater=yes
- [CRATER06]
- Theater=yes
- [CRATER07]
- Theater=yes
- [CRATER08]
- Theater=yes
- [CRATER09]
- Theater=yes
- [CRATER10]
- Theater=yes
- [CRATER11]
- Theater=yes
- [CRATER12]
- Theater=yes
- [BURNT01]
- Theater=yes
- [BURNT02]
- Theater=yes
- [BURNT03]
- Theater=yes
- [BURNT04]
- Theater=yes
- [BURNT05]
- Theater=yes
- [BURNT06]
- Theater=yes
- [BURNT07]
- Theater=yes
- [BURNT08]
- Theater=yes
- [BURNT09]
- Theater=yes
- [BURNT10]
- Theater=yes
- [BURNT11]
- Theater=yes
- [BURNT12]
- Theater=yes
- ;[CR1]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[CR2]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[CR3]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[CR4]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[CR5]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[CR6]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN01]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN02]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN03]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN04]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN05]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN06]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN07]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN08]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN09]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN10]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN11]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN12]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN13]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN14]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN15]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BURN16]
- ;Theater=yes
- Theater=yes
- Theater=yes
- Theater=yes
- [TIB01]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB02]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB03]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB04]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB05]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB06]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB07]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB08]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB09]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB10]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB11]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB12]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB13]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB14]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB15]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB16]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB17]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB18]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB19]
- Theater=yes
- [TIB20]
- Theater=yes
- ;[BTIB01]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BTIB02]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;[BTIB03]
- ;Theater=yes
- [TRACKS01]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS02]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS03]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS04]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS05]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS06]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS07]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS08]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS09]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS10]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS11]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS12]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS13]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS14]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS15]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRACKS16]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [SROCK01]
- Theater=yes
- [SROCK02]
- Theater=yes
- [SROCK03]
- Theater=yes
- [SROCK04]
- Theater=yes
- [SROCK05]
- Theater=yes
- [TROCK01]
- Theater=yes
- [TROCK02]
- Theater=yes
- [TROCK03]
- Theater=yes
- [TROCK04]
- Theater=yes
- [TROCK05]
- Theater=yes
- [TRTUNN01]
- ;TerrainPalette=yes
- Theater=yes
- ;Foundation=0x0
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRTUNN02]
- ;TerrainPalette=yes
- Theater=yes
- ;Foundation=0x0
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRTUNN03]
- ;TerrainPalette=yes
- Theater=yes
- ;Foundation=0x0
- DemandLoad=true
- [TRTUNN04]
- ;TerrainPalette=yes
- Theater=yes
- ;Foundation=0x0
- DemandLoad=true
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- Theater=yes
- Theater=yes
- Rate=300
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=12
- LoopCount=-1
- IsVeins=true
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG01]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG02]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG03]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG04]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG05]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG06]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG07]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG08]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG09]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG10]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG11]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG12]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG13]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG14]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG15]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG16]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG17]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG18]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG19]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG20]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG21]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG22]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG23]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG24]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG25]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG26]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG27]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [LOBRDG28]
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- Theater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- [FPLS]
- ; *** Infantry Sequences ***
- ; Infantry animations are grouped within a single art file.
- ; Unlike units, infantry animation layout is completely
- ; arbitrary and must be explicitly specified. Each
- ; infantry format file will be identified with one of these
- ; animation sequences.
- ;
- ; The first number is the starting frame number. The second
- ; number is the number of frames of the animation. If this
- ; number is zero then the anim sequence is not present.
- ; The third number is the multiplier by the infantry facing
- ; to reach the facing specific animation start. If this
- ; last number is zero, then there is no facing specific
- ; version.
- ;
- ; Ready = standing around
- ; Guard = standing around with weapon drawn
- ; Prone = while prone
- ; Walk = walking [normal movement]
- ; FireUp = firing while standing
- ; Down = transition from standing to prone
- ; Crawl = moving while prone
- ; Up = transition from prone to standing
- ; FireProne = firing while prone
- ; Idle1 = idle animation sequence #1
- ; Idle2 = idle animation sequence #2
- ; Die1 = death animation when hit by gunfire
- ; Die2 = death animation when exploding
- ; Die3 = death animation when exploding (alternate)
- ; Die4 = death animation by concussion explosion
- ; Die5 = death animatino by fire
- ; Fly = [jumpjet] flying
- ; Hover = [jumpjet] hovering
- ; Tumble = [jumpjet] tumbling
- ; FireFly = [jumpjet] firing while flying
- [DoggieSequence]
- Ready=0,1,1
- Guard=0,1,1
- Prone=74,1,0
- Walk=8,6,6
- FireUp=56,4,4
- Down=88,3,0
- Crawl=0,0,0
- Up=89,1,0
- FireProne=0,0,0
- Idle1=91,8,0,E
- Idle2=91,8,0,E
- Die1=99,10,0
- Die2=99,10,0
- Die3=99,10,0
- Die4=99,10,0
- Die5=109,10,0
- [E1Sequence]
- Ready=0,1,1
- Guard=0,1,1
- Prone=86,1,6
- Walk=8,6,6
- FireUp=164,6,6
- Down=260,2,2
- Crawl=86,6,6
- Up=276,2,2
- FireProne=212,6,6
- Idle1=56,15,0,W
- Idle2=71,14,0,E
- Die1=134,15,0
- Die2=149,15,0
- Die3=0,1,1
- Die4=0,1,1
- Die5=0,1,1
- [MedicSequence]
- Ready=0,1,1
- Guard=0,1,1
- Prone=86,1,6
- Walk=8,6,6
- FireUp=292,15,0
- Down=260,2,2
- Crawl=86,6,6
- Up=276,2,2
- FireProne=292,15,0
- Idle1=56,15,0,W
- Idle2=71,14,0,E
- Die1=134,15,0
- Die2=149,15,0
- Die3=0,1,1
- Die4=0,1,1
- Die5=0,1,1
- [JumpjetSequence]
- Ready=0,1,1
- Guard=0,1,1
- Prone=0,1,1
- Walk=8,6,6
- FireUp=164,6,6
- Down=0,1,1
- Crawl=8,6,6
- Up=0,1,1
- FireProne=164,6,6
- Idle1=56,15,0,W
- Idle2=71,15,0,E
- Die1=134,15,0
- Die2=149,15,0
- Die3=0,0,0
- Die4=0,0,0
- Die5=0,0,0
- Fly=292,6,6
- Hover=340,6,6
- FireFly=388,6,6
- Tumble=436,15,0
- [CyborgSequence]
- Ready=0,1,1
- Guard=0,1,1
- Prone=110,1,9
- Walk=8,9,9
- FireUp=212,6,6
- Down=0,1,1
- Crawl=110,9,9
- Up=0,1,1
- FireProne=260,6,6
- Idle1=80,15,0,W
- Idle2=95,15,0,E
- Die1=182,15,0
- Die2=197,15,0
- Die3=0,0,0
- Die4=0,0,0
- Die5=0,0,0
- ; *** Projectile Objects ***
- ; Projectiles sometimes need additional information regarding their
- ; imagery.
- ; Trailer = animation to spawn as the projectile moves [typically smoke] (def=none)
- ; Rotates = Does projectile have specific imagery according to facing (def=no)?
- ; Frames = number of image frames for animation purposes (def=1)
- ; AnimPalette = Does it use the animation palette palette (def=no)?
- [120MM]
- Trailer=SMOKEY2
- Rotates=yes
- Trailer=SMOKEY2
- Voxel=yes
- Trailer=SMOKEY2
- Voxel=yes
- AnimPalette=yes
- ; *** Animation Overlays ***
- ; These are the temporary animations overlays that are used for such
- ; effects as explosions, smoke, and fire.
- ; Theater = Is there theater specific art for this animation (def=no)?
- ; Normalized = Should the animation speed be adjusted to appear consistent (def=no)?
- ; Scorch = Does this animation scorch the ground [e.g., napalm does this] (def=no)?
- ; Flamer = Does this animation leave flames after it is gone [e.g., napalm] (def=no)?
- ; Crater = Does this form a crater [e.g., artillery does this] (def=no)?
- ; Sticky = Animation sticks to unit in square (def=no)?
- ; Surface = Is this animation at ground level (def=no)?
- ; Flat = Is animation flat on the ground [helps with drawing logic to know this] (def=no)?
- ; Translucent = Is this animation translucent in appearence (def=no)?
- ; Translucency = percent of translucency to use [25, 50, 75% only] (def=none)
- ; Damage = damage to apply per minute to attached object [if any] (def=0)
- ; Rate = desired animation frames per minute (def=900)
- ; Report = sound effect to play when this animation plays (def=none)
- ; Next = animation to spawn when this animation completes [fire uses this to get smaller over time] (def=none>
- ; DetailLevel = The detail level that the game must be set to for this animation to play (def=0, 2 is high detail).
- ; Start = Frame to start this animation from.
- ; UseNormalLight = Does this anim always draw at 100% brightness? (def=no)
- ; YSortAdjust = Fudge to apply when sorting this object in it's layer (def=0).
- ; AltPalette = Does it use an alternate drawing palette (def=no)?
- ; <<< these values are needed if the animation loops >>>
- ; LoopCount = number of times this animation loops before ending (def=0)?
- ; LoopStart = beginning frame of loop [if animation loops]
- ; LoopEnd = last frame of loop [if animation loops] (def=last frame of animation)
- ; <<< values used only for wave-based animations
- ; Angle = angle in degrees to use for the cone of effect (between 0 and 180 please)
- Surface=yes
- LoopCount=100
- Rate=60
- [WAKE1]
- Theater=yes
- Flat=yes
- Surface=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Rate=120
- YSortAdjust=-64
- [WAKE2]
- Theater=yes
- Flat=yes
- Surface=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Rate=120
- YSortAdjust=-64
- Flat=yes
- Surface=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Rate=10
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Surface=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Rate=10
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Surface=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Rate=10
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Surface=yes
- Rate=10
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Surface=yes
- Rate=10
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Surface=yes
- Rate=10
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Surface=yes
- Rate=10
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Surface=yes
- Rate=10
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Surface=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=25.0
- MinZVel=25.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT036
- Damage=20
- DamageRadius=80
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- TrailerAnim=SMOKEY2
- TrailerSeperation=2
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=30.0
- MinZVel=20.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT024
- Damage=10
- DamageRadius=50
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=25.0
- MinZVel=25.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT036
- Damage=20
- DamageRadius=80
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=30.0
- MinZVel=20.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT024
- Damage=10
- DamageRadius=50
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=25.0
- MinZVel=25.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT036
- Damage=20
- DamageRadius=80
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=30.0
- MinZVel=20.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT024
- Damage=10
- DamageRadius=50
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=25.0
- MinZVel=25.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT036
- Damage=20
- DamageRadius=80
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=30.0
- MinZVel=20.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT024
- Damage=10
- DamageRadius=50
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=25.0
- MinZVel=25.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT036
- Damage=20
- DamageRadius=80
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- TrailerAnim=SMOKEY2
- TrailerSeperation=2
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=30.0
- MinZVel=20.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT024
- Damage=10
- DamageRadius=50
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=25.0
- MinZVel=25.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT036
- Damage=20
- DamageRadius=80
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=30.0
- MinZVel=20.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT024
- Damage=10
- DamageRadius=50
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=25.0
- MinZVel=25.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT036
- Damage=20
- DamageRadius=80
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=30.0
- MinZVel=20.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT024
- Damage=10
- DamageRadius=50
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=25.0
- MinZVel=25.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT036
- Damage=20
- DamageRadius=80
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- TrailerAnim=SMOKEY2
- TrailerSeperation=2
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=30.0
- MinZVel=20.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT024
- Damage=10
- DamageRadius=50
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=25.0
- MinZVel=25.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT036
- Damage=20
- DamageRadius=80
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=30.0
- MinZVel=20.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT024
- Damage=10
- DamageRadius=50
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- [DBRS10LG]
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=25.0
- MinZVel=25.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT036
- Damage=20
- DamageRadius=80
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- [DBRS10SM]
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=30.0
- MinZVel=20.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT024
- Damage=10
- DamageRadius=50
- Warhead=HE
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,600
- DetailLevel=0
- Bouncer=yes
- Normalized=yes
- ; Tesla Coil zap animation (infantry)
- Scorch=yes
- Surface=yes
- LoopEnd=3
- LoopCount=5
- Next=FIRE1
- Report=ELECTRO1
- ; SAM site fire animation
- [SAM-N]
- [SAM-NE]
- [SAM-NW]
- [SAM-E]
- [SAM-W]
- [SAM-SW]
- [SAM-SE]
- [SAM-S]
- [DIG]
- Surface=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Surface=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Surface=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPDIRT1
- ;Normalized=yes
- ;Surface=yes
- ;Translucent=yes
- ;Normalized=yes
- ;Surface=yes
- ;Translucent=yes
- ;Normalized=yes
- ;Surface=yes
- ;Translucent=yes
- ;Normalized=yes
- ;Surface=yes
- ;Translucent=yes
- ;Normalized=yes
- ;Surface=yes
- ;Translucent=yes
- ;Normalized=yes
- ;Surface=yes
- ;Translucent=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Surface=yes
- Translucent=yes
- UseNormalLight=yes
- ;AltPalette=yes
- ;Translucency=50
- Normalized=yes
- Surface=yes
- Translucent=yes
- UseNormalLight=yes
- ;AltPalette=yes
- ;Translucency=50
- [EMP_FX01]
- Normalized=yes
- Surface=yes
- UseNormalLight=yes
- LoopCount=-1
- ; smoke used as landing zone marker
- Normalized=yes
- Surface=yes
- LoopStart=72
- LoopEnd=91
- LoopCount=255
- Rate=500
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- ; small sticky fire
- [BURN-S]
- Surface=yes
- Sticky=yes
- Damage=.03
- Rate=400
- LoopStart=30
- LoopEnd=62
- LoopCount=4
- UseNormalLight=yes
- ;Next=SMOKE_M
- Translucency=25
- ; medium sticky fire
- [BURN-M]
- Surface=yes
- Sticky=yes
- Damage=.06
- Rate=400
- LoopStart=30
- LoopEnd=62
- LoopCount=4
- Next=BURN-S
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Translucency=25
- ; large sticky fire
- [BURN-L]
- Surface=yes
- Sticky=yes
- Damage=.06
- Rate=400
- LoopStart=30
- LoopEnd=62
- LoopCount=4
- Next=BURN-M
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Translucency=25
- ; parachute to attach to parachutists
- Rate=200
- LoopStart=7
- LoopCount=15
- ; parachute bomb
- Rate=200
- LoopStart=7
- LoopCount=15
- [TWLT026]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW05
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [TWLT036]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW06
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [TWLT050]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW07
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [TWLT070]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW09
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [TWLT070T]
- Image=TWLT070
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- TiberiumChainReaction=yes
- Report=EXPNEW05
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [TWLT100]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW10
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [TWLT100I]
- Image=TWLT100
- Normalized=yes
- Translucency=50
- Report=EXPNEW11
- UseNormalLight=yes
- [RING1]
- Translucent=yes
- Rate=300
- TranslucencyDetailLevel=1
- Flat=true
- Translucent=yes
- Rate=200
- Tiled=yes
- TranslucencyDetailLevel=1
- Report=ION1
- [S_BANG16]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW10
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [S_BANG24]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW10
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [S_BANG34]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW10
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [S_BANG48]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW11
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [S_BRNL20]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW12
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [S_BRNL30]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW12
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [S_BRNL40]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW12
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [S_BRNL58]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW12
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [S_CLSN16]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW14
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- [S_CLSN22]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW14
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- [S_CLSN30]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW14
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- [S_CLSN42]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW14
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- [S_CLSN58]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW14
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- [S_TUMU22]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW15
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [S_TUMU30]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW15
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [S_TUMU42]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW15
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- [S_TUMU60]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW15
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- ; smoke puff used by rockets
- Translucent=yes
- Translucent=yes
- ; small arms fire piff (single shot)
- [PIFF]
- ;Normalized=yes
- ;Theater=yes
- ;Translucent=yes
- ; small arms fire piff (multiple shots)
- ;Theater=yes
- ;Normalized=yes
- ;Translucent=yes
- ; small flames
- [FIRE3]
- Surface=yes
- Damage=.003
- LoopCount=5
- Rate=450
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Translucency=50
- ; medium flames
- [FIRE1]
- Scorch=yes
- Surface=yes
- Damage=.006
- Rate=450
- LoopCount=4
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Translucency=50
- Next=FIRE2
- ; medium flames
- [FIRE2]
- Scorch=yes
- Surface=yes
- Damage=.006
- Rate=450
- LoopCount=6
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Translucency=50
- Next=FIRE3
- ; tiny flames
- [FIRE4]
- Surface=yes
- Damage=.002
- LoopCount=3
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Translucency=25
- ; muzzle flash
- Surface=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW13
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW13
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW15
- Translucent=yes
- Report=EXPNEW12
- Translucent=yes
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Report=EXPNEW09
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Flat=yes
- Surface=yes
- Flat=yes
- Surface=yes
- Flat=yes
- Surface=yes
- Flat=yes
- Surface=yes
- Flat=yes
- Surface=yes
- Translucent=yes
- Surface=yes
- Damage=1
- Translucent=yes
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Report=EXPNEW12
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- Translucent=yes
- UseNormalLight=yes
- Report=EXPNEW13
- Crater=yes
- Scorch=yes
- ; minigun fire flashes
- [MGUN-N]
- [MGUN-E]
- [MGUN-S]
- [MGUN-W]
- ; Armor bonus
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=400
- ; Money bonus
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=400
- ; Firepower bonus crate animation
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=400
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=400
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=400
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=400
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=400
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=400
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=400
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=400
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=400
- ; twinkle animation
- Normalized=yes
- LoopCount=5
- Normalized=yes
- LoopCount=7
- Normalized=yes
- LoopCount=3
- ; large water explosion
- [H2O_EXP1]
- Normalized=yes
- Surface=yes
- AltPalette=yes
- Translucency=50
- Report=SSPLASH1
- YDrawOffset=-18
- ; medium water explosion
- [H2O_EXP2]
- Normalized=yes
- Surface=yes
- AltPalette=yes
- Translucency=50
- Report=SSPLASH2
- YDrawOffset=-10
- ; small water explosion
- [H2O_EXP3]
- Normalized=yes
- Surface=yes
- AltPalette=yes
- Translucency=50
- Report=SSPLASH3
- YDrawOffset=-8
- ; expanding fire ring
- [RING]
- Normalized=yes
- Translucent=yes
- ; Power plant active animation
- Image=GAPOWR_A
- Normalized=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- Surface=yes
- Start=0
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=11
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Power plant active animation
- Image=GAPOWR_A
- Normalized=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- Surface=yes
- LoopStart=12
- LoopEnd=23
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Power plant power-up animations
- Image=GAPOWR_B
- NewTheater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Surface=yes
- LoopEnd=12
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- ; NOD Power plant active animation
- Image=NAPOWR_A
- Normalized=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- Surface=yes
- Start=0
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=200
- DetailLevel=1
- ; NOD Power plant damaged active animation
- Image=NAPOWR_A
- Normalized=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- Surface=yes
- LoopStart=9
- LoopEnd=17
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- DetailLevel=1
- ; NOD Advanced power plant active animation
- Image=NAAPWR_A
- Normalized=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- Surface=yes
- Start=0
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- DetailLevel=1
- ; NOD Advanced power plant damaged active animation
- Image=NAAPWR_A
- Normalized=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- Surface=yes
- LoopStart=9
- LoopEnd=17
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Civilian Hospital
- Image=CAHOSP_A
- Normalized=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- Surface=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=9
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- DetailLevel=3
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Civilian Armory
- Image=CAARMR_A
- Normalized=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- Surface=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=10
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- DetailLevel=3
- DemandLoad=true
- Image=NARADR_A
- NewTheater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=24
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- Image=NARADR_A
- ;NewTheater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Start=24
- LoopStart=24
- LoopEnd=48
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=180
- Surface=yes
- Image=GARADR_A
- NewTheater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=14
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- PingPong=yes
- Image=GARADR_A
- ;NewTheater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=15
- LoopEnd=29
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=180
- Surface=yes
- PingPong=yes
- Image=GAPLUG_A
- NewTheater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=20
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- Image=GAPLUG_B
- NewTheater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Start=0
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=9
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- PingPong=no
- Image=GAPLUG_B
- ;NewTheater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Start=10
- LoopStart=10
- LoopEnd=20
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=180
- Surface=yes
- PingPong=yes
- Image=GAPLUG_C
- NewTheater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Start=0
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- PingPong=no
- Image=GAPLUG_D
- NewTheater=yes
- Cameo=RAD1ICON
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=14
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- Image=GAPLUG_E
- NewTheater=yes
- Cameo=RAD2ICON
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=14
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- Image=GAPLUG_F
- NewTheater=yes
- Cameo=RAD3ICON
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=14
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- PingPong=yes
- Image=GAPILE_A
- NewTheater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=300
- Surface=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=GAPILE_B
- NewTheater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=300
- Surface=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=GAPILE_C
- Normalized=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=6
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- Image=GAPILE_C
- Normalized=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- LoopStart=7
- LoopEnd=14
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=180
- Surface=yes
- Normalized=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=16
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=400
- Surface=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Normalized=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=400
- Surface=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Normalized=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=4
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=800
- Surface=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- LoopStart=0
- NewTheater=yes
- LoopEnd=64
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=0
- Surface=yes
- LoopStart=1
- LoopEnd=6
- NewTheater=yes
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- Normalized=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Component tower double gun turret
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=32
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=0
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ; Component tower rocket launcher
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=32
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=0
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ; Component tower SAM
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=32
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=0
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ; Active animation for stealth generator
- Image=NASTLH_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=3
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- PingPong=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Damaged active animation for stealth generator
- Image=NASTLH_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=4
- LoopEnd=7
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- PingPong=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Active animation for construction yard
- Image=GACNST_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=9
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Damaged active animation for construction yard
- Image=GACNST_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=10
- LoopEnd=19
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Third active animation for construction yard
- Image=GACNST_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=9
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Second active animation for construction yard.
- Image=GACNST_C
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=14
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Damaged second active animation for construction yard.
- Image=GACNST_C
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=15
- LoopEnd=29
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Production anim for construction yard
- Image=GACNST_D
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=19
- LoopCount=1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ;Report=FACBLD1
- ; Active animation for hand of nod
- Image=NAHAND_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=9
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Second active animation for hand of nod
- Image=NAHAND_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=11
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Second active animation for hand of nod - damaged version
- Image=NAHAND_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=12
- LoopEnd=23
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Active animation for Temple of NOD
- Image=NATMPL_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=16
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ; Active animation for NOD Pyramid
- Image=NTPYRA_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=16
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ; Damaged active animation for NOD Pyramid
- Image=NTPYRA_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=16
- LoopEnd=32
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- ; Active animation for NOD Montauk
- Image=NAMNTK_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Active animation for GDI Kodiak
- Image=GAKODK_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=12
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Damaged active animation for GDI Kodiak
- Image=GAKODK_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=13
- LoopEnd=24
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Second active animation for GDI Kodiak
- Image=GAKODK_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=22
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Third active animation for GDI Kodiak
- Image=GAKODK_C
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=12
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Third damaged active animation for GDI Kodiak. This is a placeholder and just stops the non-damaged anim from playing
- Image=GAKODK_C
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=0
- LoopCount=0
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Animation of tiberium leaving harvester and entering refinery
- Image=NAREFN_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=4
- LoopCount=1
- Rate=200
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ; NAREFN_A but backwards
- Image=NAREFN_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=4
- LoopCount=1
- Reverse=yes
- Rate=200
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- ; Active animation for refinery
- Image=NAREFN_C
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=16
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ; Active animation for refinery. Fire ball.
- Image=NAREFN_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=20
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- RandomLoopDelay=10,300
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=false
- ;Translucency=50
- Translucent=yes
- UseNormalLight=yes
- ; Active animation for helipad.
- Image=GAHPAD_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=7
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Damaged active animation for helipad.
- Image=GAHPAD_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=8
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Active animation for Nod helipad.
- Image=NAHPAD_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=45
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Damaged active animation for Nod helipad.
- Image=NAHPAD_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=46
- LoopEnd=91
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Repair bay active animation
- Image=GADEPT_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=4
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Damaged repair bay active animation
- Image=GADEPT_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=5
- LoopEnd=9
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Repair bay active animation
- Image=GADEPT_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=7
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Repair bay working animation
- Image=GADEPT_D
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=6
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ; Damaged repair bay working animation
- Image=GADEPT_D
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=7
- LoopEnd=13
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- ; Repair bay arm extending.
- Image=GADEPT_C
- Normalized=yes
- Start=0
- End=5
- Rate=400
- NewTheater=yes
- Surface=no
- ; Repair bay arm working
- Image=GADEPT_C
- Normalized=yes
- Start=5
- LoopStart=5
- LoopEnd=10
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=400
- Surface=no
- NewTheater=yes
- ; Repair bay arm retracting
- Image=GADEPT_C
- Normalized=yes
- Start=11
- End=16
- Rate=400
- Surface=no
- NewTheater=yes
- Image=GATECH_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=7
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=GATECH_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=80
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=190
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=NATECH_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=19
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ;Image=GADROP_A
- ;Normalized=yes
- ;LoopStart=0
- ;LoopEnd=19
- ;LoopCount=-1
- ;Rate=350
- ;Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- Image=GADROP_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=19
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ;Image=GADROP_B
- ;Normalized=yes
- ;LoopStart=20
- ;LoopEnd=39
- ;LoopCount=-1
- ;Rate=220
- ;Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- Image=NAWAST_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=19
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=NAWAST_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=20
- LoopEnd=39
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=NAWAST_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=7
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=NAWAST_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=8
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=NAOBEL_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=12
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ; Obelisk charging animation.
- Image=NAOBEL_B
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=0
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ; Missile silo launch anim
- Image=NAMISL_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=10
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- ; Damaged missile silo launch anim
- Image=NAMISL_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=11
- LoopEnd=21
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- Image=NAMISL_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=9
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- Image=NAMISL_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=10
- LoopEnd=19
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- ;NewTheater=yes
- Surface=yes
- Image=GAFIRE_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=500
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- Image=GAFIRE_C
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=5
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- Image=NAPOST_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=11
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=NAPOST_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=12
- LoopEnd=23
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=150
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=NAPOST_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=13
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WA01X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WA02X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WA03X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WA04X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WB01X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WB02X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WB03X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WB04X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WC01X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WC02X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WC03X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WC04X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WD01X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WD02X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WD03X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Waterfall animation
- [WD04X]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldUseCellDrawer=true
- ; Crashed scrin fighter/UFO
- ;[UFO]
- ;Theater=yes
- ;Normalized=yes
- ;LoopStart=0
- ;LoopEnd=0
- ;LoopCount=-1
- ;Rate=0
- ;Flat=yes
- ;DetailLevel=0
- ;DemandLoad=true
- ; Tiberium silo fill animation
- Image=GASILO_A
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=0
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- Image=GASILO_A
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=0
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- ; Tiberium silo active animation
- Image=GASILO_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=GASILO_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=16
- LoopEnd=31
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=GASPOT_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=7
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=GASPOT_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=8
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- ;NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Image=CTDAM_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=9
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- DemandLoad=true
- Image=CTDAM_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=10
- LoopEnd=19
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- DemandLoad=true
- Image=CTDAM_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- DemandLoad=true
- Image=CTDAM_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=8
- LoopEnd=16
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- DemandLoad=true
- ; Tunnel roof
- [TUNTOP01]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- Surface=yes
- YSortAdjust=1000
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=0
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=0
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=0
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldFogRemove=false
- ; Tunnel roof
- [TUNTOP02]
- Theater=yes
- Surface=yes
- YSortAdjust=1000
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=0
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=0
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=0
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldFogRemove=false
- ; Tunnel roof
- [TUNTOP03]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=0
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=0
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=0
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldFogRemove=false
- ; Tunnel roof
- [TUNTOP04]
- Theater=yes
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=0
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=0
- Flat=yes
- DetailLevel=0
- DemandLoad=true
- ShouldFogRemove=false
- ; Larger meteor
- Elasticity=0.0
- MaxXYVel=100.0
- MinZVel=-50.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT070
- Damage=5000000
- DamageRadius=300
- Warhead=Meteorite
- IsMeteor=true
- SpawnCount=5
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,500
- DetailLevel=0
- TrailerAnim=SMOKEY2
- TrailerSeperation=1
- Report=METEOR1
- ; Small meteor
- Elasticity=0.0
- MinZVel=-50.0
- MaxXYVel=100.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT100
- Damage=5000000
- DamageRadius=300
- Warhead=Meteorite
- IsMeteor=true
- IsTiberium=true
- SpawnCount=7
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- RandomRate=220,500
- DetailLevel=0
- TrailerAnim=METSTRAL
- TrailerSeperation=1
- Report=METEOR2
- ; Meteor impact debris
- Elasticity=0.0
- MinZVel=40.0
- MaxXYVel=18.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT070
- Damage=40
- DamageRadius=100
- Warhead=TankOGas
- IsTiberium=true
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=500
- DetailLevel=0
- RandomRate=220,500
- Bouncer=yes
- ;TiberiumRadius=1
- TiberiumSpawnType=TIB01
- Report=METHIT1
- ;Meteor smoke trail
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=1
- Rate=600
- DetailLevel=1
- ; Meteor trail
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=8
- LoopCount=1
- Rate=600
- DetailLevel=1
- Elasticity=0.0
- MinZVel=40.0
- MaxXYVel=18.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT026
- Damage=40
- DamageRadius=100
- Warhead=TankOGas
- IsTiberium=true
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=14
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=500
- DetailLevel=0
- RandomRate=220,500
- Bouncer=yes
- Theater=yes
- TiberiumSpreadRadius=0
- TiberiumSpawnType=TIB2_01
- Elasticity=0.0
- MinZVel=40.0
- MaxXYVel=18.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT026
- Damage=40
- DamageRadius=100
- Warhead=TankOGas
- IsTiberium=true
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=14
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=500
- DetailLevel=0
- RandomRate=220,500
- Bouncer=yes
- Theater=yes
- TiberiumSpreadRadius=0
- TiberiumSpawnType=TIB2_01
- Elasticity=0.0
- MinZVel=40.0
- MaxXYVel=18.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT026
- Damage=40
- DamageRadius=100
- Warhead=TankOGas
- IsTiberium=true
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=14
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=500
- DetailLevel=0
- RandomRate=220,500
- Bouncer=yes
- Theater=yes
- TiberiumSpreadRadius=0
- TiberiumSpawnType=TIB2_01
- Elasticity=0.0
- MinZVel=40.0
- MaxXYVel=18.0
- ExpireAnim=TWLT026
- Damage=40
- DamageRadius=100
- Warhead=TankOGas
- IsTiberium=true
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=14
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=500
- DetailLevel=0
- RandomRate=220,500
- Bouncer=yes
- Theater=yes
- TiberiumSpreadRadius=0
- TiberiumSpawnType=TIB2_01
- AnimLow=0
- AnimHigh=14
- Voxel=no
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=9
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=500
- DetailLevel=0
- RandomRate=150,250
- Theater=yes
- IsAnimatedTiberium=yes
- Surface=yes
- YDrawOffset=-50
- IsFlamingGuy=true
- RunningFrames=6
- LoopCount=1
- Rate=500
- ; This is a tricky one. It's an animation AND a projectile all in the same section
- ; The anim stuff is first then the projectile stuff.
- Start=0
- End=8
- LoopCount=1
- Rate=220
- DetailLevel=0
- AnimPalette=yes
- AnimLow = 8
- AnimHigh = 22
- AnimRate = 1
- ; Deployable sensor array
- Normalized=yes
- Rate=220
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- LoopCount=-1
- ; Deployable ICBM launcher
- Rate=0
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- LoopCount=-1
- ; Civilian array
- Image=CAARAY_A
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=0
- Image=CAARAY_B
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=0
- Image=CAARAY_C
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=15
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- Image=CAARAY_C
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=16
- LoopEnd=31
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- Image=CAARAY_D
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=0
- LoopEnd=11
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- Image=CAARAY_D
- Normalized=yes
- LoopStart=12
- LoopEnd=23
- LoopCount=-1
- Rate=350
- Surface=yes
- NewTheater=yes
- DetailLevel=2
- Normalized=no
- Rate=900
- Surface=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Translucent=yes
- Flat=yes
- ;NormalZAdjust=1
- YSortAdjust=-2000
- Normalized=no
- Rate=180
- Surface=yes
- DetailLevel=1
- Translucent=yes
- Flat=yes
- ;NormalZAdjust=1
- YSortAdjust=-200
- ; *** Movies ***
- ; Each of the movies allowed in the game will be listed
- ; here.
- [Movies]
- 2=COUP
- 6=GDI_M02
- 7=GDI_M03
- 8=GDI_M04
- 9=GDI_M05
- 10=GDI_M06
- 11=GDI_M07
- 12=GDI_M08
- 13=GDI_M09A
- 14=GDI_M09B
- 15=GDI_M09C
- 16=GDI_M10A
- 17=GDIM09CW
- 18=GDI_M11
- 19=GDI_M12A
- 23=EVA
- 24=NOD_M02
- 25=NOD_M03
- 26=NOD_M04
- 27=NOD_M06
- 34=NOD06ABW
- 36=NOD_M09
- 41=NOD_M05
- 43=GDIM09D1
- 44=GDI01_SB
- 45=GDI02_SB
- 46=GDI03_SB
- 47=NOD_M07
- 48=NOD_M08
- 49=NOD_M10
- 50=NOD_M11
- 51=NOD_M12
- 53=NOD01_SB
- 54=NOD02_SB
- 55=GENWIN01
- 61=N_LOGO_W
- 62=N_LOGO_L
- es
- Rate=400